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Writer's pictureRebecca Cheesman

How does yoga 'work'?

First ever yoga session I was hooked. All I knew was I wanted more. More of this ellusive, wonderful play with our human frame, on a simple mat, where I forgot my earthly troubles. The mat felt like a cloud even though I felt heavy in mind and body at the start, saddled with anxiety and a huge shit load of emotional suitcases.

When yoga is mis-represented in media yoga can be bloody irritating to the psyche I know, it can put off people who would get so much out of it if thats what they need! Yoga can wrongly look like a smug bunch of people who want to show off contorting their bodies. HOW WRONG THIS MEDIA INTERPRETATION IS and how many are put off by this?

In true yoga egos should be left at the door, because as human beings we can never be perfect. The imperfection is the beauty. The satisfaction is from the trying or indeed saying 'Ya know what I need child's pose now and to rest' in a middle of a class.

Yoga and its roots came from India in the mind, the mind of folk who needed a break from life's din, but yearned for ...(keep reading under image of The Buddha)...

A Buddha image to convey the spiritual healing mind body connection of yoga and importance of this as what yoga is

deep connections to authenticity and finding one's truth in a sea of social programming which is telling you you are something you are not, you want what you don't need, its slaying those illusions. So we can live our truth.

How does yoga work? Making shapes with our bodies is quite beautiful yoga is for EVERY BODY. EVERY HUMAN. Balancing our nervous system, body mind, whilst strengthening our human frame? Yes please!!

I've experienced huge trauma in my life, and for many yoga can be exposing, we may not want to come into our bodies. The breathing in yoga though helps our bodies to feel safe again. Its now seen as an intervention that can heal the nervous system. From fight or flight, to rest, restore, digest.

How does yoga work? I know I was tired of feeling like a paper bag tossed about in the wind. Yoga reminds me to connect to our Earth, feel the solidity of body, feel grounded like a tree even when the winds are howling. When we are in flow we are the universe in ecstatic motion.

Namaste X

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